When you're at that difficult 2/3 stage of a module...sometimes it's nice to add a dash of impromptu daftness. Old Gil is petitioning Andrey, the aide for Archmancer Vaxis, on account of a borrowed quill. Well...that's my sense of humour for you, I guess.
On a more serious note...
-Banter list added to
-Gaping Maw Cellar created
-Ready to begin on the Underground Stair
There are a thousand and one things to polish and refine in Shadowfall proper but I really do want to push ahead, get a coherent main plot going right up to the climax, and then focus on ironing everything out.
Hey there Mooncalf,
You know, I admit I cannot remember you. But having gone back and read through your blog here, you really look to have a pretty good one in the works here. Your characters, though a little darker do sound fascinating. Do I perhaps know you by a different name on the NWN2 boards?
Hi, Phoenixus;
Sorry to say I don't think we've ever encountered each other; though I did play your Tragedy in Tragidor a whole year back now- but this was before I started being a responsible player and voting, I'm ashamed to say, so it's on my (considerable) guilt list of great older mods I need to play back through so I can comment on. I am on the boards occasionally (as mooncalf165) though.
Great to hear from you; looking forward to Tales of the Asberdies from your (daunting) area screenshots so far, and I'm glad to know you like the look of the mod as stands. As you can probably tell, I'm not a genius with area design so interesting characters are the main thing it has to have going for it really!
All the best,
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