Tuesday, 20 May 2008


I get the feeling Crow may divide anyone who plays Shadowfall. She's the final companion I've created (cause for celebration, surely) and, while many of the others have their own plot sidequests, she's the only one who's tied in to the main plot (but don't worry, the mod can be completed without even meeting her). Basically, without giving too much away, she's a young woman who's undergone a strange and horrible ordeal...and as a result has ended up in the Asylum, where, in spite of her inability to speak sense, her beautiful singing has charmed many a doctor. So basically she's an idiot savant, with a heart of gold, who occasionally speaks remarkable wisdom - she'll be useful if you take Trent as a companion as well.


Frank Perez said...

Crow sounds like a very interesting companion. It's also a challenge to bring her to life in a way that makes players want to have her along while making her handicap believable to them. Kudos on your creative decision.

mooncalf165 said...

Cheers Frank...I'm planning to kill off one companion for the start of the 2nd mod and I'm not sure I'd have the heart to do it to Crow, so it's nice to know there'll be at least one person rooting for her lol.