Returning to the toolset for the first time in ages...I wanted to go for something I began work on the Forlorn Tower endsequence. I've cut most of the cutscene bars out to avoid spoilers, but I liked the feel of the area already too much not to share!
The mountain on the right-hand side in the second screenshot is going to be Shadowfall...once I can summon the patience to make a 0.1 replica of all the buildings. Creating a 'tower' outside area was fraught with problems, number one among which was the stretched textures. Obviously building the cliffs up a bit, changing angles etc can help towards that...but's a tower, it has to be pretty vertical. I was pleasantly surprised with the last screenshot, because the stretching actually gives an impression of speed and falling when the static camera's at that angle. Yeah....deliberate artistic decision...hmm...
Whoa, that's pretty cool.
I know there's no way to prevent the stretched textures, but for a kind of Vertigo feel, it surprisingly does the job well.
I admit it was creative.
Thanks, Phoenixus...unsurpisingly, there won't be any horizontal shots of the Tower ingame! Massive acclaim should go to whoever can prevent stretching on textures...
love those first 2 shots - very creative!
there are cliff placeables you can use which have the texture pasted on them. I use them in DA2. they scale well, and don;t look too stretched out
Wyrin-cheers for the advice. I'll give those a try, at least so I can maybe have a distant shot of the tower...
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